Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Your Love by Eileen Kristine Abarra

The first time I saw you, I didn’t give you much attention
I look at you but didn’t give you importance
I’m really wondering why, you keep on following me
I do not understand what you want from me

Wherever I go, I find you and you always tell me what to do
You told me that you love me and you’re willing to give up everything
I just keep on thinking what you really want me to know
But I really do not understand what you mean

I was walking on a cold place and I was looking for a warm embrace
I never thought that you were just behind me
I was about to collapse but you caught me
Now I understand what you feel

I am very happy that I met you but I never thought you left me
You fulfilled your promise and you died because of me
I was then very sad like as flower that’s slowly dying
But eventually I realize, you didn’t left me
And you’re just up there looking at me

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